Trauma comes from a Greek word meaning “wound”.

What if you knew you were not broken, damaged, weak or afflicted

but instead whole and perfect and all you needed was to take small steps on the journey back to remembering that wholeness

Could you have some compassion
For the parts of you that are over adaptive and took on
beliefs, habits or even behaviours that may no longer serve you?
What would the journey, back to your true authentic self look like?
What does Trauma look like?
“When you shut down any emotion,
you are also affecting your
immune system, your nervous system.
So the suppression of emotion,
which is a survival strategy,
then becomes a source of physiological
illness later on” Dr. Gabor Mate
The longer trauma remains untreated, the more likely it is that our lives will become dominated by the symptoms it produces.

feeling responsible for other's happiness
Giving in to reckless impulses
Saying "yes" because you're afraid of losing security
feeling on guard all the time
Seeking constant escapism
Chronic feelings of emptiness
How does trauma manifest?

Trauma can cause depression by disrupting brain chemistry, leading to changes in mood, appetite, and sleep patterns.

Chronic anxiety is a persistent state of worry, fear, and nervousness that can significantly impact a person's daily life and is often linked to past trauma or ongoing stressors.

Trauma can create feelings of loneliness and isolation, as it can lead to difficulties in trusting others and maintaining healthy relationships.

Experiencing trauma can have a significant impact on the body, including contributing to digestive problems, impaired immune functioning, and inflammatory diseases.

Change the way you look at things, so the things you look at change

-Wayne Dyer

I combine RTT® with Compassionate Inquiry® to get to the root cause of what is holding you back and keeping you stuck in any area of your life, be it at a physical or emotional level.
I specialize in working with individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) as well as those affected by the symptoms of Trauma through Addictions, Anxiety, Depression and more.

Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT®)
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Compassionate Inquiry®️ practitioner
with Dr Gabor Maté
Regressive Therapist
Through Life's

Twists and Turns